Revised Agenda
Committee of the Whole

Electronic and In-Person Meeting
Council Chambers
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket
Quorum: 11

We acknowledge that York Region is located on the traditional territory of many Indigenous peoples including the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat and Métis peoples and the treaty territories of the Haudenosaunee, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and Williams Treaties First Nations.

Today this area is home to many diverse Indigenous Peoples, and we recognize their history, spirituality, culture and stewardship of this land.

We also acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our closest First Nation community.

​(Subject to the Committee granting deputant status.)

Chair – Mayor Tom Mrakas
Vice-Chair – Mayor Iain Lovatt

Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion

Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion

Todd Coles, City Clerk, City of Vaughan dated January 24, 2023

Recommendation: Receive and refer to Item F.2.3

Memorandum dated April 14, 2023 from Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Public Works 

Recommendation: Receive

Memorandum dated April 13, 2023 from Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Public Works 

Recommendation: Receive

Todd Coles, City Clerk, City of Vaughan dated April 25, 2023

Recommendation: Receive and refer to staff



Report dated April 13, 2023 from the Commissioner of Public Works recommending that:

  1. Bylaw 2015-36 regulating signs on Regional roads be amended to incorporate the following provisions:
    1. An annual business sign permit fee of $240 be increased to $300 per sign
    2. An election sign permit fee of $300 with no additional fee for each sign
    3. Business and elections signs only be permitted at designated intersections listed in Attachment 1
    4. Bag, flag and banner sign types are not permitted on Regional roads
  2. The fees set out in this report be removed from Bylaw 2015-36 Schedule B Fees and included in the Fees and Charges for Services and Activities Bylaw 2020-04.
  3. The Regional Clerk forward this report to Clerks of all local municipalities.
  4. The Regional Solicitor and General Counsel prepare the necessary bylaws.

Report dated April 14, 2023 from the Commissioner of Public Works recommending that:

  1. Bylaw 2017-37 to prohibit or regulate parking and stopping on Regional roads be amended to:
    1. include new and revised provisions and definitions outlined in Appendix A.
    2. remove, revise and add parking controls outlined in Attachment 1.
    3. include updated fee schedules outlined in Attachment 2.
  2. If any administrative penalty fee in respect of a parking and stopping infraction on local roads is introduced, amended or repealed by any local municipality, the Regional Solicitor and General Counsel be authorized to prepare corresponding amendments to Bylaw 2017-37 for consideration by Council.
  3. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to Clerks of all local municipalities and Chief of York Regional Police.
  4. The Regional Solicitor and General Counsel prepare the necessary bylaws.

Report dated April 13, 2023 from the Commissioner of Public Works recommending that:

  1. Traffic signals be installed on Keele Street at the entrance to North Maple Regional Park in the City of Vaughan, subject to the capital and 10-year maintenance costs being fully funded by the City of Vaughan.
  2. The Regional Clerk forward this report to the Clerk of the City of Vaughan and the Chief of York Regional Police.

Chair – Mayor David West
Vice-Chair – Regional Councillor Joe Li

Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion

Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion

Craig Jacques, Specialist, Watershed Plans and Source Water Protection, Credit Valley Conservation dated March 10, 2023

Recommendation: Receive and refer to Item G.2.2



Report dated April 13, 2023 from the Commissioner of Public Works recommending that:

  1. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to the Clerks of local municipalities, Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.

Report dated April 14, 2023 from the Commissioner of Public Works recommending that:

  1. Council endorse proposed amendments to the Toronto and Region Assessment Report, as well as the Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Plan.
  2. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to the Chair, Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Committee and Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation.

Chair – Regional Councillor Rosati
Vice-Chair – Mayor Margaret Quirk

Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion

Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion

Todd Coles, City Clerk, City of Vaughan dated April 3, 2023

Recommendation: Receive and refer to staff



Report dated April 20, 2023 from the Commissioner of Community and Health Services recommending that:

  1. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to the local municipalities for information.

Report dated April 20, 2023 from the Commissioner of Community and Health Services recommending that:

  1. Council approve the following priorities for York Region’s Community Investment Fund program for this term of Council:
    1. Housing Stability
    2. Mental Well-being
    3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    4. Food Security System Development
    5. Organizational Development and Capacity Building for Community Agencies
    6. Other critical service and emergency needs, and needs identified in Regional human services plans, such as the Community Safety and Well-being Plan for York Region
  2. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to Clerks of local municipalities and Human Services Planning Board of York Region.

Chair – Regional Councillor DiPaola
Vice-Chair – Mayor Scarpitti

Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion

Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion



Report dated April 13, 2023 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the Chief Planner recommending that:

  1. Regional Council request the Federal and Provincial governments to prioritize funding toward the next generation of bus rapid transit projects in York Region, and critical infrastructure to advance the Yonge North Subway Extension to support development of Regional Centres and Corridors.
  2. The Regional Clerk forward this report to the local municipalities, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Minister of Transportation, Metrolinx and York Region Members of Federal and Provincial Parliament as representation of York Region’s continued commitment to transit-oriented development in Regional Centres and Corridors and Major Transit Station Areas, and the need to advance rapid transit initiatives in York Region.

Report dated April 23, 2023 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the Chief Planner recommending that:

  1. Council endorse this report, for submission to the Province on May 6, 2023 in response to the Bill 97 legislative changes as outlined in ERO postings 019-6821 and 019-6822.
  2. The Regional Clerk forward this report to the local municipalities.

Chair – Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Vice-Chair – Mayor Virginia Hackson

Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion

Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion

Memorandum dated April 21, 2023 from Dino Basso, Commissioner of Corporate Services 

Recommendation: Receive



Report dated April 26, 2023 from the Chief Administrative Officer recommending that:

  1. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to local municipalities.

Report dated April 19, 2023 from the Commissioner of Finance recommending that:

  1. Council endorse the proposed timelines for the development and approval of the 2024 Budget, as outlined in Table 3.
  2. Council reaffirm a 2024 tax levy increase target of 2.75% and a Rapid Transit / Infrastructure Levy equivalent to a 1% tax levy increase, subject to the potential impact of the Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23).

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Commissioner of Finance recommending that:

  1. Council receive this report for information.

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Commissioner of Finance recommending that:

  1. Council receive this report for information.

Report dated April 19, 2023 from the Commissioner of Finance, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, and the Chief Planner recommending that:

  1. Further consideration of a Vacant Home Tax for York Region be deferred to ensure alignment with the Province’s Vacant Home Tax Policy Framework and the use of more updated cost and benefit estimates based on the current economic and legislative environment.
  2. Staff be directed to continue monitoring the program outcomes of other Ontario municipalities to identify best practices and potential opportunities to streamline administration and reduce costs through joint partnerships.
  3. Staff report back in 2024 with a refined proposal based on the recommendations above.
  4. The Regional Clerk forward this report to the local municipalities for information.

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Commissioner of Finance recommending that:

  1. Council receive this report for information.

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Commissioner of Finance recommending that:

  1. Council receive this report for information.

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Regional Solicitor and General Counsel recommending that:

  1. Council approve enactment of an updated Delegation Bylaw to incorporate the amendments described in Appendix A.
  2. Council approve enactment of an updated Council Recess Bylaw to govern delegation of matters during a Council recess.
  3. Bylaws 2018-50 and 2018-51 be repealed.
  4. The Regional Solicitor and General Counsel prepare the necessary bylaws to implement the updated bylaws and repeal of Bylaws 2018-50 and 2018-51.

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services recommending that:

  1. Council authorize the disposition of land in the Town of East Gwillimbury that has been deemed surplus to Regional requirements, as described in Appendix A.
  2. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to accept and execute the agreement of purchase and sale within the limits set out in the private attachment and all necessary documents to complete the transaction, in accordance with the Region’s Sale and Other Disposition of Regional Lands Policy.
  3. Staff report back to Council with the final sale price.

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services recommending that:

  1. Council approve an application for approval to expropriate the lands set out in Appendix A, required for the Bathurst Street Reconstruction project from Highway 7 to Teston Road/Elgin Mills Road, in the City of Richmond Hill and the City of Vaughan.
  2. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to execute the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land (the “Notice) and to serve and publish the Notice, as required under the Expropriations Act (the “Act”).
  3. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to forward to the Chief Inquiry Officer any requests for an inquiry that are received and to represent the Region, as necessary, at an inquiry (Hearing of Necessity) held under the Act.
  4. Council, as approving authority, approve the expropriation of the lands provided there is no Hearing of Necessity requested and not withdrawn in accordance with the Act. Council approval is deemed to be given effective 31 days following the publication of the Notice and when a Hearing of Necessity is not requested in accordance with the Act.
  5. Where approval to expropriate the land is given, the Commissioner of Corporate Services is authorized to register a plan of expropriation and execute and serve any notices required under the Act.
  6. Where approval to expropriate the land is given, Council authorize the introduction of the necessary bylaw to give effect to these recommendations.

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services recommending that:

  1. Council approve an application for approval to expropriate the land set out in Appendix A, required for the Ninth Line widening and reconstruction project between Steeles Avenue and the Box Grove By-pass.
  2. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to execute the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land (the “Notice) and to serve and publish the Notice, as required under the Expropriations Act (the “Act”).
  3. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to forward to the Chief Inquiry Officer any requests for an inquiry that are received and to represent the Region, as necessary, at an inquiry (Hearing of Necessity) held under the Act.
  4. Council, as approving authority, approve the expropriation of the land provided there is no Hearing of Necessity requested and not withdrawn in accordance with the Council approval is deemed to be given effective 31 days following the publication of the Notice and when a Hearing of Necessity is not requested in accordance with the Act.
  5. Where approval to expropriate the land is given, the Commissioner of Corporate Services is authorized to register a plan of expropriation and execute and serve any notices required under the Act.
  6. Where approval to expropriate the land is given, Council authorize the introduction of the necessary bylaw to give effect to these recommendations.

Report dated April 21, 2023 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services recommending that:

  1. Council approve an application for approval to expropriate the lands set out in Appendix A, required for the Tuclor Lane Sanitary Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the City of Markham.
  2. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to execute the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land (the “Notice”) and to serve and publish the Notice, as required under the Expropriations Act (the “Act”).
  3. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to forward to the Chief Inquiry Officer any requests for an inquiry that are received and to represent the Region, as necessary, at an inquiry (Hearing of Necessity) held under the Act.
    Council, as approving authority, approve the expropriation of the lands provided there is no Hearing of Necessity requested and not withdrawn in accordance with the Act.
  4. Council approval is deemed to be given effective 31 days following the publication of the Notice and when a Hearing of Necessity is not requested in accordance with the Act.
  5. Where approval to expropriate the lands is given, the Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to register a plan of expropriation and execute and serve any notices required under the Act.
  6. Where approval to expropriate the lands is given, Council authorize the introduction of the necessary bylaw to give effect to these recommendations.

Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting held on April 26, 2023

Recommendation: Receive

Disposition of Overdue Provincial Offences Act Fines - Solicitor-Client Privilege


Development Charge Complaint - Litigation and Solicitor-Client Privilege


Private Attachment 1 to Item J.2.6 - Contract Awards from January 1, 2023, to March 31, 2023 - Security of Property


Private Attachment 1 to Item J.2.9 - Disposition of Land - 18969 2nd Concession Road - Town of East Gwillimbury - Disposition of Land

No Item Selected