Revised AgendaYORK REGIONAL COUNCILThursday, November 10, 2022 11:00 A.m. - 3:00 P.m.Electronic and In-Person MeetingCouncil Chambers17250 Yonge Street, NewmarketQuorum: 11A.Call to Order B.Disclosures of Interest C.Minutes of Council C.1Council Meeting held on September 29, 2022 1.Minutes_-_Regional_Council_-_September_29_2022.pdfD.Presentations NoneE.Deputations (Subject to Council granting deputant status.)NoneF.Communications F.1City of Vaughan Resolution - Amber Alert for Vulnerable Children 1.City of Vaughan_-_Amber_Alert_for_Vulnerable_Children.pdfTodd Coles, City Clerk, City of Vaughan dated October 19, 2022Recommendation: Receive and refer to staffF.2Regional Official Plan 2022, Minister of Municipal Affairs Approval 1.Regional_Official_Plan_2022_Minister_of_Municipal_Affairs_Approval.pdf2.Att 1 - Regional_Official_Plan_2022_Minister_of_Municipal_Affairs_Approval.pdf3.Att 2 - Regional_Official_Plan_2022_Minister_of_Municipal_Affairs_Approval.pdfMemorandum dated November 8, 2022 from Paul Freeman, Chief PlannerRecommendation: ReceiveG.Consideration and Adoption of Reports G.1Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act 2022 1.Bill_23__More_Homes_Built_Faster_Act_2022.pdf2.Att 1-4 - Bill_23__More_Homes_Built_Faster_Act_2022_Consolidated_Attachments.pdfReport dated November 1, 2022 from the Chief Administrative Officer recommending that: The Regional Clerk forward this report to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing seeking an extension of the comment period to at least December 31, 2022, to allow for a more informed consultation period and constructive feedback. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to the Clerks of the local municipalities. G.1.1*New* Attachment 5 to Item G.1 - Preliminary Comments in Response to Bill 23 1.Att 5 - Bill_23__More_Homes_Built_Faster_Act_2022.pdfG.2Bill 23, Schedule 10, Supporting Growth and Housing in York and Durham Regions Act, 2022 1.Bill_23__Schedule_10_Supporting_Growth_and_Housing_in_York_and_Durham_Regions_Act_2022.pdfReport dated November 3, 2022 from the Commissioner of Public Works recommending that: Staff continue to review Bill 23, Schedule 10, Supporting Growth and Housing in York and Durham Regions Act, 2022, provide recommendations to the Province on amendments to the legislation to ensure it accommodates York Region’s growth needs and a viable infrastructure solution. H.Introduction and Consideration of Bylaws H.12022-51 - A bylaw to establish a public highway - Leslie Street 1.2022-51_A_bylaw_to_establish_a_public_highway_-_Leslie_Street.pdfA bylaw to establish a public highwayI.Motions J.Notices of Motion to Reconsider K.Other Business L.Private Session L.1Verbal Update - Award of York Region Transit South-East Division Operations and Maintenance Contract – Litigation Attachments | Public Comments1.Minutes_-_Regional_Council_-_September_29_2022.pdfL.2Private Attachment 1 to Item. G.2 - Bill 23, Schedule 10, Supporting Growth and Housing in York and Durham Regions Act, 2022 - Solicitor-Client and Potential Litigation Public Comments: M.Confirmatory Bylaw 1.2022-52_Confirmatory_Bylaw_-_Regional_Council_-_November_10_2022.pdfIntroduction of Bylaw 2022-52 to confirm the proceedings of Council at this meetingN.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.City of Vaughan_-_Amber_Alert_for_Vulnerable_Children.pdf1.Minutes_-_Regional_Council_-_September_29_2022.pdf1.2022-52_Confirmatory_Bylaw_-_Regional_Council_-_November_10_2022.pdf1.2022-51_A_bylaw_to_establish_a_public_highway_-_Leslie_Street.pdf1.Bill_23__More_Homes_Built_Faster_Act_2022.pdf2.Att 1-4 - Bill_23__More_Homes_Built_Faster_Act_2022_Consolidated_Attachments.pdf1.Bill_23__Schedule_10_Supporting_Growth_and_Housing_in_York_and_Durham_Regions_Act_2022.pdf1.Att 5 - Bill_23__More_Homes_Built_Faster_Act_2022.pdf1.Regional_Official_Plan_2022_Minister_of_Municipal_Affairs_Approval.pdf2.Att 1 - Regional_Official_Plan_2022_Minister_of_Municipal_Affairs_Approval.pdf3.Att 2 - Regional_Official_Plan_2022_Minister_of_Municipal_Affairs_Approval.pdf