
The Council of The Regional Municipality of York

Electronic Meeting
  • W. Emmerson,
  • D. Barrow,
  • M. Bevilacqua,
  • J. DiPaola,
  • M. Ferri,
  • R. Grossi,
  • V. Hackson,
  • D. Hamilton,
  • J. Heath,
  • L. Jackson,
  • J. Jones,
  • J. Li,
  • I. Lovatt,
  • T. Mrakas,
  • S. Pellegrini,
  • C. Perrelli,
  • M. Quirk,
  • G. Rosati,
  • F. Scarpitti,
  • J. Taylor,
  • and T. Vegh
  • D. Basso,
  • K. Chislett,
  • P. Freeman,
  • P. Jankowski,
  • K. Kurji,
  • D. Kuzmyk,
  • S. Love,
  • B. Macgregor,
  • E. Mahoney,
  • L. Mirabella,
  • C. Raynor,
  • and M.F. Turner

Regional Chair Emmerson called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and made the following remarks:

“We acknowledge the land we are meeting on today is the traditional territory of many First Nations, including the Chippewas of Georgina Island and the Mississaugas of the Credit.

These lands are now home to many diverse Indigenous peoples.

We also acknowledge that York Region falls under Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Williams Treaties with several Mississauga and Chippewas First Nations.”

  • Moved byMayor Taylor
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Hamilton

    That Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on December 17, 2020.

  • Moved byMayor Taylor
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Hamilton

    That Council confirm the Minutes of the Special Council meeting held on December 22, 2020.

  • Moved byMayor Taylor
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Hamilton

    That Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on January 21, 2021.

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Rosati
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vegh

    That Council receive the presentation from Bruce Macgregor, Chief Administrative Officer and COVID-19 verbal update from Dr. Karim Kurji, Medical Officer of Health.

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Jackson
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Rosati

    That Council receive the deputation from Bryan Keshen on behalf of Reena and refer for consideration as part of the 2021 budget deliberations.

  • Moved byMayor Scarpitti
    Seconded byRegional Councillor DiPaola

    That Council receive the deputation from Jeffrey Streisfield and Ori Belavin, Land Law on behalf of Yonge Sixteen LP - 9251 Yonge Street.

Council recessed at 12:28 p.m. and resumed at 1:02 p.m.
  • Moved byRegional Councillor Li
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jackson

    That Council receive the communication from Statistics Canada and adopt the following:

    The Council of The Regional Municipality of York supports the 2021 Census, and encourages all residents to complete their census questionnaire online at www.census.gc.ca. Accurate and complete census data support programs and services that benefit our community.

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Perrelli
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jones

    That Council receive the deputation in writing from Debbie Smith dated January 27, 2021.

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Perrelli
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jones

    That Council receive the deputation in writing from Erika Allen dated January 19, 2021.

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Perrelli
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jones

    That Council receive the deputation in writing from Graham Wride dated January 19, 2021.

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Perrelli
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jones

    That Council receive the deputation in writing from Wendy Scavuzzo dated January 20, 2021. 

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Perrelli
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jones

    That Council receive the deputation in writing from Joan Parsons dated January 27, 2021.

  • Moved byMayor Mrakas
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jones

    That Council receive the communication from Michael Manett, MPlan Inc. on behalf of Leslie Stouffville Landowners Association dated January 25, 2021.

  • Moved byMayor Mrakas
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jones

    That Council receive the communication from Michael Manett, MPlan Inc. on behalf of North Elgin Centre Inc. dated January 26, 2021.

  • Moved byMayor Mrakas
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jones

    That Council receive the memorandum from Paul Freeman, Chief Planner dated January 27, 2021.

  • Moved byMayor Barrow
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Grossi

    That Council receive the memorandum from Laura Mirabella, Commissioner of Finance and Regional Treasurer dated January 25, 2021.

  • Moved byMayor Pellegrini
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Ferri

    That Council adopt the recommendations in the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on December 3, 2020, except for Items G.1.2 and H.1.2 as noted below.


    Committee of the Whole Item G.1.2 - Eliminating Violence Against Paramedics - A Call to Action

    Moved by Regional Councillor Hamilton
    Seconded by Regional Councillor Grossi

    That the communication from Nando Iannicca, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Regional Municipality of Peel dated December 8, 2020 be received and referred to staff for a report back in fall of 2021 with possible recommendations to address violence faced by York Region paramedics.


    Committee of the Whole Item H.1.2 - Regional Official Plan Update - Housing Challenges and Opportunities - 9251 Yonge Street - Richmond Hill - Purpose Built Rental Housing Development Application

    Moved by Mayor Scarpitti
    Seconded by Regional Councillor DiPaola

    That Council receive the communication from Chris Pereira, Principal, M. Behar Planning and Design Limited dated January 13, 2021 and that Council:

    1. Reaffirms its goal to promote purpose-built rental, particularly in rapid transit corridors and in adherence to local official plans
    2. Expresses interest in Housing York Inc. having the opportunity to manage units within this development and other purpose-built rental developments in York Region
    3. Supports purpose-built rental in the Yonge Street rapid transit corridor 


  • Moved by Regional Councillor Grossi
    Seconded by Mayor Quirk

    That Council amend recommendation 1 by striking words as follows:

    1. That Regional staff continue discussions with the Province of Ontario and Durham Region related to a potential Provincially preferred southern solution as an alternative to the preferred solution identified in the Upper York Sewage Solutions Environmental Assessment and report back on the status of discussions in February 2021.

    A recorded vote was as follows:

    For: Grossi, Quirk (2)

    Against: Barrow, Bevilacqua, DiPaola, Emmerson, Ferri, Hackson, Hamilton, Heath, Jackson, Jones, Li, Lovatt, Mrakas, Pellegrini, Perrelli, Rosati, Scarpitti, Taylor, Vegh (19)


    A request was made to hold a separate vote on recommendation 2.

    Moved by Mayor Pellegrini
    Seconded by Mayor Hackson

    That Council adopt recommendations 1 and 3 in the report dated December 17, 2020 from the Commissioner of Environmental Services recommending:

    1. That Regional staff continue discussions with the Province of Ontario and Durham Region related to a potential Provincially preferred southern solution as an alternative to the preferred solution identified in the Upper York Sewage Solutions Environmental Assessment and report back on the status of discussions in February 2021.

    3. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to the Premier, all Members of Provincial Parliament in Durham and York Regions, and the Clerks of the local municipalities in the Region of Durham and York Region.

    A recorded vote was as follows:

    For: Barrow, Bevilacqua, DiPaola, Emmerson, Ferri, Hackson, Hamilton, Heath, Jackson, Jones, Li, Lovatt, Mrakas, Pellegrini, Perrelli, Quirk, Rosati, Scarpitti, Taylor, Vegh (20)

    Against: Grossi (1)


    Moved by Mayor Taylor
    Seconded by Mayor Hackson

    That Council adopt recommendation 2 in the report dated December 17, 2020 from the Commissioner of Environmental Services recommending:

    2. That Council affirm its support for the Lake Simcoe Solution as documented in the Upper York Sewage Solutions Environmental Assessment per the resolution approved by Durham Council on December 16, 2020.

    A recorded vote was as follows:

    For: Barrow, Bevilacqua, DiPaola, Emmerson, Ferri, Hackson, Heath, Jones, Li, Mrakas, Pellegrini, Perrelli, Rosati, Scarpitti, Taylor, Vegh (16)

    Against: Grossi, Hamilton, Jackson, Lovatt, Quirk (5)


  • Moved byRegional Councillor Hamilton
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Grossi

    That Council adopt the recommendations in the Minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held on January 21, 2021.

  • Moved byMayor Barrow
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Grossi

    That Council approve and enact the following bylaw:


To levy against the lower-tier municipalities on an interim basis the sums of monies required during the year 2021 for the purposes of The Regional Municipality of York

  • Moved byMayor Scarpitti
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jackson

    That Council adopt the following motion:

    WHEREAS York Region is home to one of the most diverse populations in Canada with residents identifying with more than 230 distinct ethnic origins; and

    WHEREAS International travel is a driving force behind elevated cases of COVID-19 in York Region, Ontario and Canada; and

    WHEREAS confirmed cases of COVID-19 variants have been identified and York Region has one of the highest concentrations; and

    WHEREAS scientific data indicates variant strains of COVID-19 have higher transmission rates;

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that York Regional Council request the Government of Canada to implement greater travel restriction and/or prohibit travel from countries with high volumes of COVID-19 variants.

    BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Federal Government require passengers on international flights to have additional mandatory testing upon arrival at international airports in Canada.

  • Moved byMayor Hackson
    Seconded byMayor Quirk

    That Council direct staff to bring back a further report regarding the condition and potential decommissioning of the sewage lagoons facility in the Town of East Gwillimbury.

  • Regional Councillor Perrelli tabled a motion for consideration that was ruled by Regional Chair Emmerson to be out of order as it was substantially similar to a motion previously proposed by Regional Councillor Perrelli and defeated.

    Following the Chair's ruling an alternative motion was presented as follows:

    Moved by Regional Councillor Perrelli
    Seconded by Regional Councillor Jackson

    That Council adopt the following motion:

    WHEREAS protecting Public Health is our job; and

    WHEREAS closing down businesses, negatively impacting people’s livelihood which contributes to a wide-range of health issues, the extent of which will not be fully known for many years to come, is not; and

    WHEREAS our own Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kurji, has told us that businesses are not a material source of spread and that a lockdown wouldn’t make much of a difference; and

    WHEREAS Dr. Kurji’s exact words were, “What we are not seeing are any outbreaks traced to retail establishments. We are not seeing any outbreaks traced to restaurants, or gyms and we haven't been seeing outbreaks from places of worship in York Region either”; and

    WHEREAS the accepted COVID-19 safety protocols of physical distancing, wearing a mask, washing your hands and contact tracing, are already targeted for heavy enforcement by the Region; and

    WHEREAS many businesses have already closed permanently; and

    WHEREAS many more businesses are facing the same fate through no fault of their own; and

    WHEREAS the Ontario government issued a declaration of emergency, effective January 12, 2021, under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA). On Monday, January 25th the government extended this Order for an additional 14 days. It is now set to expire on February 9, 2021, unless extended further;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved:

    That York Region Council request the Premier to not extend the Grey – Lockdown/Stay at Home Order past the current February 9th end date in York Region.

  • Moved byMayor Quirk
    Seconded byMayor Bevilacqua

    That Council defer consideration of the above motion to a Special Council meeting scheduled on February 4, 2021 at 9 a.m.

    A recorded vote was as follows:

    For: Barrow, Bevilacqua, DiPaola, Emmerson, Ferri, Grossi, Hackson, Hamilton, Heath, Jackson, Jones, Li, Lovatt, Mrakas, Pellegrini, Perrelli, Quirk, Rosati, Scarpitti, Taylor, Vegh (21)

    Against: None


Regional Chair Emmerson noted the one-year anniversary of the first positive COVID-19 case in Canada and Ontario and, on behalf of Council, recognized those York Region residents lost to and impacted by the virus. Dr. Karim Kurji, York Region Medical Officer of Health provided an update on the status of COVID-19 and responded to questions from Members of Council.

Regional Chair Emmerson announced that on January 26, York Region was named one of Canada's best employers by Forbes Magazine and congratulated all involved in the recognition.

Regional Chair Emmerson noted that on January 1, 2021 the York Region Police Services Board welcomed Ms. Norma McCullough as its newest member for a two-year term. Regional Chair Emmerson extended a warm welcome and looks forward to working with the Board to help York Regional Police advance its mandate to serve and protect the 1.2 million residents of York Region. 

Regional Chair Emmerson congratulated Laura McDowell, Director of Environmental Promotion and Protection for being awarded the Top Public Works Leader of the Year by the Ontario Public Works Association.

Regional Chair Emmerson noted Bell Let's Talk Day and emphasized the important role the day plays in raising awareness and reducing stigma around mental health.

Regional Chair Emmerson recognized the upcoming month of February as Black History Month. Throughout February, Canadians celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians who have and continue to make meaningful contributions to our communities and culture.

The Board meeting scheduled following Regional Council on January 28, 2021 has been rescheduled to February 4, 2021 immediately following the Special Council meeting.

  • Moved byMayor Barrow
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Hamilton

    That ​​Council resolve into private session at 2:39 p.m.


    At 4:16 p.m. Council resumed in public session and reported the following:

Presentation - Upper York Sewage Solutions Individual Environmental Assessment - Approval Status Update - Information Supplied in Confidence and Negotiations

  • Moved byMayor Barrow
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Rosati

    That Council receive the private presentation.


Private Attachment 1 to Item G.2 - Upper York Sewage Solutions Individual Environmental Assessment - Approval Status Update - Information Supplied in Confidence and Negotiations

  • Moved byMayor Barrow
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Rosati

    That Council receive the private attachment.


Pattison Outdoor Advertising Contract Update - Negotiations

  • Moved byMayor Barrow
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Rosati

    That Council adopt the following recommendations in the private report dated December 11, 2020 from the Commissioner of Transportation Services:

    1. Council approve an amendment to the contract with Pattison Outdoor Advertising for supply of advertising on the York Region Transit bus fleet, including a reduction in the minimum guaranteed revenue paid to the Region and an amendment to the term of the contract.
    2. The Commissioner of Transportation Services be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the Region.
  • Moved byRegional Councillor Hamilton
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Li

    That Council enact Bylaw No. 2021-03 to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on January 28, 2021.


The Council meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m.

Regional Clerk

Minutes confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Council held on February 25, 2021.


Regional Chair

No Item Selected