Revised AgendaCommittee of the WholeThursday, February 11, 2021 9:00 A.m. - 12:00 P.m.Electronic MeetingQuorum: 11A.Call to Order B.Disclosures of Interest C.Presentations C.1Diversity Dialogues Shernett Martin, Kola Olumideh, Sandi Folkes, Natalie Rizzo, Claudette Rutherford and Charline Grant on behalf of Vaughan African Canadian Association.D.Deputations (Subject to the Committee granting deputant status.)D.1Deputations related to Item E.2.1 - Greater Toronto Area West Transportation Corridor Update D.1.1Sherry Draisey 1.GTA West Deputation Request - Sherry Draisey.pdfSherry Draisey on behalf of Concerned Citizens of King TownshipD.1.2Rene Vlahovic 1.GTA West Deputation Request - Rene Vlahovic.pdfRene Vlahovic on behalf of Vaughan Citizens against Highway 413D.1.3Irene Ford 1.GTA West Deputation Request - Irene Ford.pdfIrene Ford on behalf of Stop the 413D.1.4Alexandra Ney 1.GTA West Deputation Request - Alexandra Ney.pdfAlexandra Ney on behalf of Stop the 413D.1.5Angela Grella 1.GTA West Deputation Request - Angela Grella.pdfD.1.6Tony Malfara 1.GTA West Deputation Request - Tony Malfara.pdfTony Malfara on behalf of Communities Against the 413E.Transportation Services Chair – Mayor PellegriniVice-Chair – Mayor ScarpittiDetermination of Items Requiring Separate DiscussionAdoption of Items Not Requiring Separate DiscussionE.1Communications E.1.1Township of King Resolution - King's Position on the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) to Metrolinx 1.Township_of_King_Resolution_-_King_s_Position_on_the_Transit_Project_Assessment_Process_(TPAP)_to_Metrolinx.pdfKathryn Moyle, Director of Corporate Services and Township Clerk, Township of King dated January 13, 2021. Recommendation: ReceiveE.1.2Fare and Service Integration Provincial-Municipal Table 1.Fare_and_Service_Integration_Provincial-Municipal_Table.pdf2.Att 1 - Fare_and_Service_Integration_Provincial-Municipal_Table.pdfMemorandum from Paul Jankowksi, Commissioner of Transportation Services dated February 8, 2021. Recommendation: ReceiveE.1.3Communications Related to Item E.2.1 - Greater Toronto Area West Transportation Corridor Update Recommendation: Receive allE.1.3.1Form Letter Submitted by 191 Individuals 1.GTA_West_-_Deputations_in_Writing_-_191_Individuals.pdfE.1.3.2T. Raponi - Opposition to GTA West Highway (413) 1.T. Raponi - Opposition to GTA West Highway (413).pdfE.1.3.3K Strohm-Vitale - Highway 413 1.K. Strohm-Vitale - Highway 413.pdfE.1.3.4A. Koutroulaskis - The environment matters more than your highway 1.A. Koutroulakis - The environment matters more than your highway.pdfE.1.3.5E. Wright - Please Oppose Highway 413 - From a Resident Living on the 407 1.E. Wright - Please Oppose Highway 413 - From a Resident Living on the 407.pdfE.1.3.6M. Bruno - Highway 413 1.M. Bruno - Highway 413.pdfE.1.3.7G. Irish - Stop Highway 413 1.G. Irish - Stop Highway 413.pdfE.1.3.8J. Galt - Say NO to the GTA West Highway 1.J. Galt - Say NO to the GTA West Highway.pdfE.1.3.9J. LeForestier - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere 1.J. LeForestier - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere.pdfE.1.3.10R. Christie - Please say NO to HWY 413 1.R. Christie - Please say NO to HWY 413.pdfE.1.3.11K. Alison - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere 1.K. Alison - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere.pdfE.1.3.12A. Groves - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere 1.A. Groves - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere.pdfE.1.3.13T. Sherwood - Reject Highway 413 1.T. Sherwood - Reject Highway 413.pdfE.1.3.14P. Vanker - Proposed Highway 413 1.P. Vanker - Proposed Highway 413.pdfE.1.3.15C. Ballard - GTA West Highway, Feb. 11 Agenda Item E.2.1 1.C. Ballard - GTA West Highway, Feb. 11 Agenda Item E.2.1.pdfE.1.3.16S. Lloyd Swail - GTA West 1.S. Lloyd Swail GTA West.pdfE.1.3.17N. Hopkinson - Nobleton resident opposed 413 1.N. Hopkinson - Nobleton resident opposed 413.pdfE.1.3.18L. Santoro - GTA West Corridor 1.L. Santoro - GTA West Corridor.pdfE.1.3.19Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust 1.Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust Submission - E.2.1 GTA West Corridor.pdfSusan Walmer, Chief Executive Officer, Oak Ridges Moraine Land TrustE.2Reports E.2.1Greater Toronto Area West Transportation Corridor Update 1.Greater_Toronto_Area_West_Transportation_Corridor_Update.pdf2.Att 1 - Greater_Toronto_Area_West_Transportation_Corridor_Update.pdfReport dated January 22, 2021 from the Commissioner of Transportation Services recommending that: Council request the Ontario Ministry of Transportation reconstruct Weston Road, Highway 27 and King-Vaughan Road to include a four-lane road cross-section across the future GTA West highway, as well as walking and cycling facilities. The Regional Clerk forward this report to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, City of Vaughan and Township of King. E.2.2Award of Consultant Services for Keele Street - Steeles Avenue to Highway 407 - City of Vaughan 1.Award_of_CS_for_Keele_St_Steeles_Ave_to_Hwy_407_CoV.pdf2.Att 1 - Award_of_CS_for_Keele_St_Steeles_Ave_to_Hwy_407_CoV.pdfReport dated January 22, 2021 from the Commissioner of Transportation Services recommending that: Council approve award of contract for Contract Administration and Inspection Services for Keele Street (Y.R. 6) improvements, from Steeles Avenue to Highway 407, in the City of Vaughan, to AECOM Canada Ltd., pursuant to Request for Proposal P-20-257 at a total cost of $3,071,800.00, excluding HST. The Commissioner of Transportation Services be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the Region. E.2.3Award of Consulting Engineering Services for Stouffville Road - Bayview Avenue to Highway 404 - City of Richmond Hill 1.Award_of_Consulting_Engineering_Services_for_Stouffville_Rd_Bayview_to_Hwy_404_CoRH.pdf2.Att 1 - Award_of_Consulting_Engineering_Services_for_Stouffville_Rd_Bayview_to_Hwy_404_CoRH.pdfReport dated January 22, 2021 from the Commissioner of Transportation Services recommending that: Council approve award of contract for consulting engineering services for Stouffville Road (Y.R. 14), from Bayview Avenue (Y.R. 34) to Highway 404, in the City of Richmond Hill, to AECOM Canada Ltd., pursuant to Request for Proposal P-20-210, at a total cost of $2,357,229.34, excluding HST. The Commissioner of Transportation Services be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the Region. F.Environmental Services Chair – Regional Councillor FerriVice-Chair – Mayor QuirkDetermination of Items Requiring Separate DiscussionAdoption of Items Not Requiring Separate DiscussionF.1Communications NoneF.2Reports F.2.1Delegated Authority for Award of Six Equipment Pre-Purchase Contracts at Duffin Creek Plant 1.Delegated_Authority_for_Award_of_Six_Equipment_Pre-Purchase_Contracts_at_Duffin_Creek_Plant.pdfReport dated January 22, 2021 from the Commissioner of Environmental Services recommending that: Council authorize the Commissioner of Environmental Services to award and execute six equipment pre-purchase contracts associated with the Biosolids Treatment Replacement Project and the Digester Complex Upgrades Project at Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, to be competitively bid under future Request for Proposals. F.2.2East Gormley Water and Wastewater Servicing Request 1.East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf2.Att 1 - East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf3.Att 2 - East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf4.Att 3 - East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf5.Att 4 - East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdfReport dated January 22, 2021 from the Commissioner of Environmental Services recommending that: The Region reiterate the need for the province to review policies regarding servicing of settlement areas within the Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine Plan areas. The Region continue to work with the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville to assess servicing options until there is greater clarification from the province regarding exemptions for Great Lake based servicing in the Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine. The Region support the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville’s continued investigation of enhanced fire protection through improved non-potable water services as a reasonable and economical approach to address the immediate fire protection needs for the Hamlet of East Gormley. Regional Clerk circulate this report to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. G.Community and Health Services Chair – Regional Councillor RosatiVice-Chair – Regional Councillor HeathDetermination of Items Requiring Separate DiscussionAdoption of Items Not Requiring Separate DiscussionG.1Communications G.1.1Update on Public Health Emergency Response to COVID-19 Global Pandemic 1.Update_on_Public_Health_Emergency_Response_to_COVID-19_Global_Pandemic.pdf2.Att 1 - Update_on_Public_Health_Emergency_Response_to_COVID-19_Global_Pandemic.pdf3.Att 2 - Update_on_Public_Health_Emergency_Response_to_COVID-19_Global_Pandemic.pdfMemorandum from Katherine Chislett, Commissioner of Community and Health Services and Dr. Karim Kurji, Medical Officer of Health dated February 9, 2021. Recommendation: ReceiveG.2Reports G.2.12021 Procurement of Services for the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program 1.2021_Procurement_of_Services_for_the_Ontario_Seniors_Dental_Care_Program.pdfReport dated January 22, 2021 from the Commissioner of Community and Health Services and the Medical Officer of Health recommending that: Council delegate authority to the Commissioner of Community and Health Services to procure interim dental services and to execute related agreements as follows: Contracts may only be awarded by the Commissioner up until and including December 31, 2021. Time periods covered by the contracts for general dental services will vary, however, no contract shall be longer than three years with an option to renew for up to two years. The total cost of services will not exceed the value of funding received from the Ministry of Health to operate the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program. Council delegate authority to the Commissioner of Community and Health Services to procure ongoing specialty dental services (prosthodontics, endodontics, periodontics and oral surgery) and to execute related agreements as follows: Time periods covered by the contracts for specialty dental services will not exceed three years with an option to renew for up to two years. The total cost of services will not exceed the value of funding received from the Ministry of Health to operate the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program. H.Planning and Economic Development Chair – Regional Councillor JonesVice-Chair – Mayor MrakasDetermination of Items Requiring Separate DiscussionAdoption of Items Not Requiring Separate DiscussionH.1Communications H.1.1Province's Enhanced Authority for Minister's Zoning Orders through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act 1.Provinces_Enhanced_Authority_for_Ministers_Zoning_Orders_through_Bill_197_the_COVID-19_Economic_Recovery_Act.pdf2.Att 1 - Provinces_Enhanced_Authority_for_Ministers_Zoning_Orders_through_Bill_197_the_COVID-19_Economic_Recovery_Act.pdf3.Att 2 - Provinces_Enhanced_Authority_for_Ministers_Zoning_Orders_through_Bill_197_the_COVID-19_Economic_Recovery_Act.pdf4.Att 3 - Provinces_Enhanced_Authority_for_Ministers_Zoning_Orders_through_Bill_197_the_COVID-19_Economic_Recovery_Act.pdfMemorandum from Paul Freeman, Chief Planner dated February 9, 2021. Recommendation: ReceiveH.1.2Michael Manett - Support for Item J.1 - Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis in York Region 1.Michael_Manett_-_Support_for_Item_J_1_on_behalf_of_North_Elgin_Centre_Inc.pdfMichael Manett, MPlan Inc. on behalf of North Elgin Centre Inc. dated February 10, 2021. Recommendation: ReceiveH.2Reports H.2.1Minutes - Agriculture and Agri-Food Advisory Committee - January 27, 2021 1.Minutes_-_Agriculture_and_Agri-Food_Advisory_Committee_-_January_27_2021.pdfRecommendation: ReceiveI.Finance and Administration Chair – Mayor BarrowVice-Chair – Regional Councillor GrossiDetermination of Items Requiring Separate DiscussionAdoption of Items Not Requiring Separate DiscussionI.1Communications I.1.1Municipal Property Assessment Corporation - 2020 Municipal Partnership Report 1.Municipal_Property_Assessment_Corporation_-_2020_Municipal_Partnership_Report.pdfChris Rickett, Director of Municipal and Stakeholder Relations, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation dated January 27, 2021. Recommendation: ReceiveI.1.2Bill 239 Stay Home If You Are Sick Act - MPP Peggy Sattler 1.Bill_239_Stay_Home_if_You_Are_Sick_Act_-_MPP_Peggy_Sattler.pdfPeggy Sattler, MPP London West dated January 25, 2021. Recommendation: Receive and consider supporting Private Member's BillI.2Reports I.2.1Non-Competitive Contract Awards, Extensions, and Increases 1.Non-Competitive_Contract_Awards__Extensions__and_Increases_Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Non-Competitive_Contract_Awards_Extensions_and_Increases.pdfReport dated January 28, 2021 from the Commissioner of Finance and Regional Treasurer recommending that: Council authorize the award, extension, and increase of contracts between the Region and each of the vendors listed in Attachment 1 and Private Attachment 1 for the terms described in the attachments. The Commissioner of Community and Health Services be authorized to delegate the execution of direct purchase agreements and associated extensions, increases, and renewals, to the General Manager, Paramedic and Seniors Services, the Public Health Medical Officer of Health, and the General Manager, Social Services in relation to the provision of goods and services and product standardizations, provided that the agreement amounts are within their delegated signing authority limits. This delegation will enable expedited approval for the provision of goods and services which provide services to vulnerable persons. I.2.2Compensation for Expropriation - West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project - 7082 Islington Avenue - City of Vaughan 1.Compensation_for_Expropriation_West_Vaughan_Sewage_Servicing_Project_7082_Islington_Ave_Vaughan.pdf2.Att 1 - Compensation_for_Expropriation_West_Vaughan_Sewage_Servicing_Project_7082_Islington_Ave_Vaughan.pdf3.Att 2 - Compensation_for_Expropriation_West_Vaughan_Sewage_Servicing_Project_7082_Islington_Ave_Vaughan.pdfReport dated January 29, 2021 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services recommending that: Council authorize the Commissioner of Corporate Services to make an offer of compensation to the owner of land in the City of Vaughan, as set out in Attachment 1, which was acquired in accordance with the Expropriations Act (the “Act”). I.2.3Expropriation Settlement - Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor and Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension - 3131 Highway 7 West - City of Vaughan 1.Expropriation_Settlement_Viva_TYSSE_Corridor_3131_Hwy_7_Vaughan.pdf2.Att 1 - Expropriation_Settlement_Viva_TYSSE_Corridor_3131_Hwy_7_Vaughan.pdf3.Att 2 - Expropriation_Settlement_Viva_TYSSE_Corridor_3131_Hwy_7_Vaughan.pdfReport dated January 29, 2021 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services recommending that: Council authorize the settlement of all claims pursuant to the Expropriations Act related to the property municipally known as 3131 Highway 7 West, as described in Attachment 1, for the construction of the Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor (vivaNext) and the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE) on Highway 7 West in the City of Vaughan. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to execute the Minutes of Settlement and all necessary documentation to complete the transaction in accordance with the Minutes of Settlement. J.Notice of Motion J.1Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis in York Region 1.Notice_of_Motion_-_RC_DiPaola_-_Housing_Affordability.pdfNotice of Motion from Regional Councillor DiPaola received on February 2, 2021.J.2Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) Countryside and Settlement Designations (WITHDRAWN) The Notice of Motion from Regional Councillor DiPaola received on February 3, 2021 has been withdrawn.J.3Parkland Dedication Bylaw Request to Support Acceleration of Affordable Housing 1.Notice_of_Motion_-_Mayor_Taylor_-_Parkland_Dedication_Bylaw_Request_to_Support_Acceleration_of_Affordable_Housing.pdfNotice of Motion from Mayor Taylor received on February 9, 2021.J.4Land Request to Support Acceleration of Affordable Housing 1.Notice_of_Motion_-_Mayor_Taylor_-_Land_Request_to_Support_Acceleration_of_Affordable_Housing.pdfNotice of Motion from Mayor Taylor received on February 9, 2021.K.Other Business L.Private Session Motion to resolve into Private Session to consider the following:L.1Establishment of Standard Technology Products - Security of Property Public Comments: L.2Private Attachment 1 to Item I.2.1. Non-Competitive Contract Awards, Extensions, and Increases - Security of Property Public Comments: L.3Private Attachment 1 to Item I.2.2. Compensation for Expropriation - West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project - 7082 Islington Avenue - City of Vaughan - Acquisition of Land Public Comments: L.4Private Attachment 1 to Item I.2.3. Expropriation Settlement - Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor and Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension - 3131 Highway 7 West - City of Vaughan - Disposition of Land and Litigation Public Comments: M.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Township_of_King_Resolution_-_King_s_Position_on_the_Transit_Project_Assessment_Process_(TPAP)_to_Metrolinx.pdf1.Greater_Toronto_Area_West_Transportation_Corridor_Update.pdf2.Att 1 - Greater_Toronto_Area_West_Transportation_Corridor_Update.pdf1.Award_of_CS_for_Keele_St_Steeles_Ave_to_Hwy_407_CoV.pdf2.Att 1 - Award_of_CS_for_Keele_St_Steeles_Ave_to_Hwy_407_CoV.pdf1.Award_of_Consulting_Engineering_Services_for_Stouffville_Rd_Bayview_to_Hwy_404_CoRH.pdf2.Att 1 - Award_of_Consulting_Engineering_Services_for_Stouffville_Rd_Bayview_to_Hwy_404_CoRH.pdf1.Delegated_Authority_for_Award_of_Six_Equipment_Pre-Purchase_Contracts_at_Duffin_Creek_Plant.pdf1.2021_Procurement_of_Services_for_the_Ontario_Seniors_Dental_Care_Program.pdf1.Municipal_Property_Assessment_Corporation_-_2020_Municipal_Partnership_Report.pdf1.Compensation_for_Expropriation_West_Vaughan_Sewage_Servicing_Project_7082_Islington_Ave_Vaughan.pdf2.Att 1 - Compensation_for_Expropriation_West_Vaughan_Sewage_Servicing_Project_7082_Islington_Ave_Vaughan.pdf3.Att 2 - Compensation_for_Expropriation_West_Vaughan_Sewage_Servicing_Project_7082_Islington_Ave_Vaughan.pdf1.Expropriation_Settlement_Viva_TYSSE_Corridor_3131_Hwy_7_Vaughan.pdf2.Att 1 - Expropriation_Settlement_Viva_TYSSE_Corridor_3131_Hwy_7_Vaughan.pdf3.Att 2 - Expropriation_Settlement_Viva_TYSSE_Corridor_3131_Hwy_7_Vaughan.pdf1.GTA West Deputation Request - Sherry Draisey.pdf1.GTA West Deputation Request - Rene Vlahovic.pdf1.GTA West Deputation Request - Irene Ford.pdf1.GTA West Deputation Request - Alexandra Ney.pdf1.GTA West Deputation Request - Angela Grella.pdf1.GTA West Deputation Request - Tony Malfara.pdf1.Fare_and_Service_Integration_Provincial-Municipal_Table.pdf2.Att 1 - Fare_and_Service_Integration_Provincial-Municipal_Table.pdf1.Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust Submission - E.2.1 GTA West Corridor.pdf1.N. Hopkinson - Nobleton resident opposed 413.pdf1.S. Lloyd Swail GTA West.pdf1.C. Ballard - GTA West Highway, Feb. 11 Agenda Item E.2.1.pdf1.T. Sherwood - Reject Highway 413.pdf1.A. Groves - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere.pdf1.K. Alison - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere.pdf1.J. LeForestier - The 6 Billion Dollar Pandemic Highway to Nowhere.pdf1.J. Galt - Say NO to the GTA West Highway.pdf1.G. Irish - Stop Highway 413.pdf1.M. Bruno - Highway 413.pdf1.E. Wright - Please Oppose Highway 413 - From a Resident Living on the 407.pdf1.A. Koutroulakis - The environment matters more than your highway.pdf1.K. Strohm-Vitale - Highway 413.pdf1.Update_on_Public_Health_Emergency_Response_to_COVID-19_Global_Pandemic.pdf2.Att 1 - Update_on_Public_Health_Emergency_Response_to_COVID-19_Global_Pandemic.pdf3.Att 2 - Update_on_Public_Health_Emergency_Response_to_COVID-19_Global_Pandemic.pdf1.Provinces_Enhanced_Authority_for_Ministers_Zoning_Orders_through_Bill_197_the_COVID-19_Economic_Recovery_Act.pdf2.Att 1 - Provinces_Enhanced_Authority_for_Ministers_Zoning_Orders_through_Bill_197_the_COVID-19_Economic_Recovery_Act.pdf3.Att 2 - Provinces_Enhanced_Authority_for_Ministers_Zoning_Orders_through_Bill_197_the_COVID-19_Economic_Recovery_Act.pdf4.Att 3 - Provinces_Enhanced_Authority_for_Ministers_Zoning_Orders_through_Bill_197_the_COVID-19_Economic_Recovery_Act.pdf1.Michael_Manett_-_Support_for_Item_J_1_on_behalf_of_North_Elgin_Centre_Inc.pdf1.Minutes_-_Agriculture_and_Agri-Food_Advisory_Committee_-_January_27_2021.pdf1.Bill_239_Stay_Home_if_You_Are_Sick_Act_-_MPP_Peggy_Sattler.pdf1.Notice_of_Motion_-_Mayor_Taylor_-_Parkland_Dedication_Bylaw_Request_to_Support_Acceleration_of_Affordable_Housing.pdf1.Notice_of_Motion_-_Mayor_Taylor_-_Land_Request_to_Support_Acceleration_of_Affordable_Housing.pdf1.GTA_West_-_Deputations_in_Writing_-_191_Individuals.pdf1.Notice_of_Motion_-_RC_DiPaola_-_Housing_Affordability.pdf1.T. Raponi - Opposition to GTA West Highway (413).pdf1.R. Christie - Please say NO to HWY 413.pdf1.P. Vanker - Proposed Highway 413.pdf1.L. Santoro - GTA West Corridor.pdf1.Non-Competitive_Contract_Awards__Extensions__and_Increases_Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Non-Competitive_Contract_Awards_Extensions_and_Increases.pdf1.East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf2.Att 1 - East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf3.Att 2 - East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf4.Att 3 - East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf5.Att 4 - East_Gormley_Water_and_Wastewater_Servicing_Request.pdf